Tuesday 3 December 2013

the demi-gods see us and laugh

Somedays all is expandable
Somedays, nothing is happy
And nothing is sad
All is simply not here
Nor there
It is just a reflection
Of what had been before
Of what is to come
And of what could never be

You are a stranger
Or a lover
Or a foe
You are a cold wet kiss
On the inside of my lip

I cannot perceive the future
And I cannot fathom the past
I cannot breathe and be alive
And yet I cannot begin to try and die

I see these people
These creatures
Walking like smiling, frowning, defaced mortals
On their moral high grounds
Judging and asking and laughing
For what of
I cannot see
They’re words are empty, their tongues
In serpentine knots
Behaving unwisely
Making unbinding promises
They dare not dream
To ever keep

We live inside boxes
We each have our own
One for the old
One for the young
One for the dying
In our boxes
We dream
We build
But we all believe
That our boxes
Are much bigger
Then this
And for this
We cry

Love is a preacher
Love is a religion
It is an illusion
It is a decision
We abide to
I believe it’s a mask
For this hellish life
I believe it is a promise
I must always keep

I am a child
I am an infant
But never have I ever
Felt like a whole

What of a life
That is just an hourglass
We are always waiting, praying, crying
For something better
Yet to attain
What of a life
That is just smoke and mirrors
Goals are lifelines
But when nothing is left
To hope for
What of a life?
What of the dream?
What of nothing?
When we had nothing
To begin with

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