Tuesday 3 December 2013

opium kisses

Its lungs full of smoke
A scream full of glass
Where you spit and spit
But the shards are wedged too hard
In the gums of your teeth
And you hardly breathe
Its melancholia cloaked in anger
And draped in a burgundy of jealousy
Where happiness is shiny pebbles
We’d fill our pockets full of holes
So that happiness would drain
From the punctures in our hearts
And onto the pavement and grass
You’d hug me tight
To try and drain that
Fear and loneliness apart
But it would swarm and multiply
And soon you’d be in its arms
And we’d stand there cold and uncomfortable
With that fear and sadness
Pouring out our minds
Through our mouths
And the softness of our hearts
Would crease and dissolve
Merciless and full of disdain
You leave kisses in my mouth
They crowd and steal my breath
I leave opium seeds in yours
And you dream of dead things
Eating up our flesh and consuming our souls
And we sleep together
In a bed full of roses
Their thorns dig into our bones
And I scream for you to save me
From the lives that want to take me
But you fill my lungs with your breath
And don’t let me depart alone
You fill my blood with drugs to ward off death
In bathtubs
We cut our wrists
Like daisy flowers
They bloom in the water
And you become drunk on my life
And I become drugged on the fluid of your veins
But the water turns cold
And we don’t reach oblivion
You and I
We belong
To a race
Of the dying
To the nation
Always trying
To avoid death
But escape
The tragedy
Of life

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