Tuesday 3 December 2013

god is dead

Nietzsche said: “God is dead”
My mother fiercely disagrees
She stamps outside and yells
That I too will die
And for this she cries
Like a child,
Her eyes well up
And bitterness pours out
I am a soul. I am a body.
I am a mind. I am free.
I am not the words I read.
Or the people who rest beside me.
I am this mantra.
And nothing else
I have read poetry
I have read novels
Which have taught me to fear death
Where the bloodless creatures call out to death
To come save them
They lie down
And beg
And cry
My mind is a watery puddle
Whose mud refuses to settle
And whose ideals and morals
Are scattered and broken
Unable to be constructed into something
That lasts and is not worn down
I have read their words
I have been told who I should be
But I disagree.
I will not be a copy of a copy
Of another man’s daughter, another man’s wife.
I refuse to lead a life
In which I don’t play a role
In which my wills and desires
Are a construct
Of a predetermined law,
Just a reflection
Of something that isn’t me
Are we God’s creation?
Or is he ours?
Is he simply an ideal?
An explanation
Of the unexplainable?
I cannot submit myself
To an authority
Who forces conformity
And defines a paradise
As a nation, a people
Who are incapable of thought
And whose happiness is ever-lasting
But has no basis on who they are as a being
A life is not reality if it’s simply a construct
Where survival depends on our unconditional devotion
A freedom doesn’t exist
If it is bordered with fear and angst
Happiness is not true if one has no control
Over how it is produced
And a God is not a God if he judges, hates
And creates man only to control him in the end.

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