Tuesday 3 December 2013


Death is like a present
Which is unwrapped
Slowly but surely
Over the course of a life
Some are eager
Some rip the box to shreds
Hoping to find
Sanctity inside
But they’re held up without a gun
And stand there sadly
Flapping their gums
So they take their death
And say amen
Others however,
Too lowly, too meek
Or perhaps too wise
Consider this box,
Pandora’s gift
They tuck it in their coats
Pick at it,
On rainy afternoons
When they swallow gin
With thoughts about the pain
But they never go far enough
Until much too late
Fragile and old
They too, rip the box
But with much less eagerness
And much less pain
And when they do
The mere shock
Is enough to knock them dead
And they too,
Say amen

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