Tuesday 3 December 2013


Days have turned into
Tireless definitions
Of the same word
Repeated over and over
Until the meaning is lost
Senseless in the void
Of monotony
I open my eyes
And you close yours
I eat a peach
And you a pear
I walk left
You veer right
I say love me
And you whisper goodbye
I stand amongst
The weeds
I bite my tongue
And you stitch it back
We have grown lovely
Arguing, bickering
Over stupid things
I lie in bed till noon
You walk to the lake
And stay there till you see the moon
I drink too much coffee you say
And sleep all day
This isn’t at all well
Neither is this, I think
But you’ve already left
You paint in your room
Women with sad eyes
Whose makeup is the mask
Covering all their scars
They’re oddly beautiful
In ways I couldn’t imagine to be
But yet I wish
Someday you may want to paint me
I write diary entries
And poetry
Scattered thoughts
Here and there
Of children eaten by mothers
And fathers killing brothers
I wrote about you
And how lovely you look
All splattered with paint
But I tore it up right away
You shouldn’t see that
You sleep on the couch
And I on the floor
I get drunk
And try to make love
But you kiss me softly
And put me to sleep
On my ground, at your feet
And this is the happiest I feel
When you kiss me almost lovingly
And like a father, like a lover
You offer me to sleep

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