Tuesday 10 December 2013

a heartless goodbye

her mouth undid my resolve
her eyes forced a forgiveness
I wasn't ready to give
she slid in between me
and the unhappiness
of everything
her lips danced with mine
a chorus of black magic
behind my tired eyes

she broke my resolve
she undid my courage
with a touche of her breath
she filled my lungs
air thick and foggy
it eroded my vision
my purpose, my nature
i dis-remembered my sadness
forgot my listlessness
foolishly, stupidly
i forgot the nature of my despondence

i fell into a water
calm and clear
but as i emerged
i find it had not been enough
to clean the mud from my skin

mother i love you,
father, i do
if only you knew
the things i do
i carved out a life
out of clay and mud
and the rain has come to make it bleed
it washes my sins into the sea
and i become shameless
and undecided
what does the future hold for me?
what am i to say
to the girl who pleads she loves me

i am neither here
nor there
im in between
clinging onto past, present
whilst the future pushes and grinds
its back into mine
do i give in?
or do i depart?
and leave nothing but a heartless goodbye?

...who screams at my tardiness...

Tuesday 3 December 2013

she promised me a life
where i would be queen
and she herself a king
and i took up the thought
created a paradise
a dream
from a few scattered words
a few immobile notions
of something
of something

as they say,
what begins in chaos
ends in chaos
from fire we were born
with fire we are exhumed

i cling to hope
i cling to a promised paradise
a dream created through morsels of happiness

the truth which bends
the truth that dents
is painted in past poems
in past horrors

it screams our hopelessness
it exhibits the violent despair
which created me
it demands attention
to the facts of my lurid past
it dismantles me
it destroys us

we become creatures
imprinted in the night sky
dead, bloody, lonely
we are the winter
and the rain
we are nothing
but hopelessness disquised

“Love? Be it man. Be it woman.
It must be a wave you want to glide in on,
give your body to it, give your laugh to it,
give, when the gravelly sand takes you,
your tears to the land. To love another is something
like prayer and can't be planned, you just fall
into its arms because your belief undoes your disbelief.” 
― Anne Sexton, The Complete Poems
each mans hell is in a different place
mine is just up and behind my ruined face
Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a story using only 6 words.
 He wrote:
“For sale: baby shoes, never worn

A Smile To Remember

we had goldfish and they circled around and around
in the bowl on the table near the heavy drapes
covering the picture window and
my mother, always smiling, wanting us all
to be happy, told me, 'be happy Henry!'
and she was right: it's better to be happy if you
but my father continued to beat her and me several times a week while
raging inside his 6-foot-two frame because he couldn't
understand what was attacking him from within.

my mother, poor fish,
wanting to be happy, beaten two or three times a
week, telling me to be happy: 'Henry, smile!
why don't you ever smile?'

and then she would smile, to show me how, and it was the
saddest smile I ever saw

one day the goldfish died, all five of them,
they floated on the water, on their sides, their
eyes still open,
and when my father got home he threw them to the cat
there on the kitchen floor and we watched as my mother

Green eyes, 
Green like the sea. 
Pity the one that sees them 
And doesn't know how to swim.
Audience member: Play a happy song?
Damien Rice:
A happy song? I don't do happy.
I have a mind that’s filled
With hatred, angst and melancholia
I’d rather you just left me here
I feel afraid to speak
Enter or exit
God help me

I treat myself as you would
A thief or like a caged animal
I weep.

I utter three words
One for the mess in my head
One for the horrible thoughts
Which come howling on my skin
Fee fi fo fum, now I’m ugly
And now I’m dumb

Here I lie
Tears in my eyes
Why would you look at me?
When even I can’t?
A God that
hates and creates you
a life that softly kills you
I feel
so empty and alone

I'll take
my own life
hand it to somebody else
someone who can see some beauty in it
someone who respects someting within it
And I'll pretend
I understand the concept
called death

Such a pretty house
and such a precious life
two children and a garden
But no sight of a wife

I'm not here
Not in this body
Not in this mind
I am in love with the darkness
I want to have its baby

Take my hand
Take this
All of me
Lets go to the sea
Lets bleed into the sand
I want to forget me

god is dead

Nietzsche said: “God is dead”
My mother fiercely disagrees
She stamps outside and yells
That I too will die
And for this she cries
Like a child,
Her eyes well up
And bitterness pours out
I am a soul. I am a body.
I am a mind. I am free.
I am not the words I read.
Or the people who rest beside me.
I am this mantra.
And nothing else
I have read poetry
I have read novels
Which have taught me to fear death
Where the bloodless creatures call out to death
To come save them
They lie down
And beg
And cry
My mind is a watery puddle
Whose mud refuses to settle
And whose ideals and morals
Are scattered and broken
Unable to be constructed into something
That lasts and is not worn down
I have read their words
I have been told who I should be
But I disagree.
I will not be a copy of a copy
Of another man’s daughter, another man’s wife.
I refuse to lead a life
In which I don’t play a role
In which my wills and desires
Are a construct
Of a predetermined law,
Just a reflection
Of something that isn’t me
Are we God’s creation?
Or is he ours?
Is he simply an ideal?
An explanation
Of the unexplainable?
I cannot submit myself
To an authority
Who forces conformity
And defines a paradise
As a nation, a people
Who are incapable of thought
And whose happiness is ever-lasting
But has no basis on who they are as a being
A life is not reality if it’s simply a construct
Where survival depends on our unconditional devotion
A freedom doesn’t exist
If it is bordered with fear and angst
Happiness is not true if one has no control
Over how it is produced
And a God is not a God if he judges, hates
And creates man only to control him in the end.

i am the grave, i am her grave

Black clouds and the ground whispers
From where she stands
Here I lie
A coffin has been built
One for me
One for you
Should we accept?
Or run away?
Here are her pale lips
And her sodden hair
She stands
Two flowers in hand
I turn my head
And pretend I don’t see
The red raw eyes
That clench the veins
To my heart and all goes deaf
I cannot hear her cries
Or my repeated replies
She begs to stay
And I push her off
I say sorry
For the slaughter
Of a daughter
I had once called mine
Time leaves imprints
On this skin of mine
Her age is written
In those weary eyes
And she has wasted away
All that remains
Is the love she has to give
But I refuse to take
She is my home
The only one I have ever known
Ever wanted, ever loved.
She is the breath that leaves my lungs
And the anger situated in my heart
The longing, the shame, feelings are
Immersed with her
And I feel nothing
Without her
But I am the killer
I am the murderer
Of her heart
I’ve slayed the daughter
I’d once called mine
She is but a shadow
That creeps within
And moves without
A body, a carcass
The living feed off her
And I too
She calls upon me
Pleads for me
But I forsake her
And she stands
Cold, alone
And without a place
To call her own
I am the grave
I am her grave
Two paths split
But remain joint
For neither promises
A land beyond this
I thought it would be easy, lying in the tub and seeing the redness flower from my wrists, flush after flush through the clear water, till I sank to sleep under a surface gaudy of poppies. But when it came right down to it, the skin of my wrist looked so white and defenseless that I couldn’t do it. It was as if what I wanted to kill wasn’t in that skin or the thin blue pulse that jumped under my thumb, but somewhere else, deeper, more secret, and a whole lot harder to get at.
-Sylvia Plath
“Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee
And I'll forgive Thy great big one on me.”
-Robert Frost
I am not the world
This world is not I
The oceans turn to rivers
And they die.
Life you may evade, but death you shall not.
-T.S Eliot
“A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness.”
-Robert Frost

a life that wouldnt be...

Here upon the mattress
Lies the remains
Of a life that wouldn’t be
There, upon the sheets
You can smell the sickness
Of both you and me
The sunlight’s pasty gloom
Settled in this tiny room
It came and stroked your lashes
And coaxed you into submission
We replace the depths of our souls
With things we know to be wrong
To escape our own grief
We run and hide
From those who seek
We wait for God knows what
For that life to come alive
But we’ve been waiting for a while
And I see those eyes
Swimming restlessly
With both our lies
Upon this shrine, upon this mantle
We’ve built a holy place
We exalt and pray
The things that remain
Of the hallowed day
We loosen ourselves
From those filthy sheets
We let go of the memories
And let the sickness in
The nights come plunging in
Daggers and swords
For the beating hearts
Still hanging feebly from our cut up parts

opium kisses

Its lungs full of smoke
A scream full of glass
Where you spit and spit
But the shards are wedged too hard
In the gums of your teeth
And you hardly breathe
Its melancholia cloaked in anger
And draped in a burgundy of jealousy
Where happiness is shiny pebbles
We’d fill our pockets full of holes
So that happiness would drain
From the punctures in our hearts
And onto the pavement and grass
You’d hug me tight
To try and drain that
Fear and loneliness apart
But it would swarm and multiply
And soon you’d be in its arms
And we’d stand there cold and uncomfortable
With that fear and sadness
Pouring out our minds
Through our mouths
And the softness of our hearts
Would crease and dissolve
Merciless and full of disdain
You leave kisses in my mouth
They crowd and steal my breath
I leave opium seeds in yours
And you dream of dead things
Eating up our flesh and consuming our souls
And we sleep together
In a bed full of roses
Their thorns dig into our bones
And I scream for you to save me
From the lives that want to take me
But you fill my lungs with your breath
And don’t let me depart alone
You fill my blood with drugs to ward off death
In bathtubs
We cut our wrists
Like daisy flowers
They bloom in the water
And you become drunk on my life
And I become drugged on the fluid of your veins
But the water turns cold
And we don’t reach oblivion
You and I
We belong
To a race
Of the dying
To the nation
Always trying
To avoid death
But escape
The tragedy
Of life


Days have turned into
Tireless definitions
Of the same word
Repeated over and over
Until the meaning is lost
Senseless in the void
Of monotony
I open my eyes
And you close yours
I eat a peach
And you a pear
I walk left
You veer right
I say love me
And you whisper goodbye
I stand amongst
The weeds
I bite my tongue
And you stitch it back
We have grown lovely
Arguing, bickering
Over stupid things
I lie in bed till noon
You walk to the lake
And stay there till you see the moon
I drink too much coffee you say
And sleep all day
This isn’t at all well
Neither is this, I think
But you’ve already left
You paint in your room
Women with sad eyes
Whose makeup is the mask
Covering all their scars
They’re oddly beautiful
In ways I couldn’t imagine to be
But yet I wish
Someday you may want to paint me
I write diary entries
And poetry
Scattered thoughts
Here and there
Of children eaten by mothers
And fathers killing brothers
I wrote about you
And how lovely you look
All splattered with paint
But I tore it up right away
You shouldn’t see that
You sleep on the couch
And I on the floor
I get drunk
And try to make love
But you kiss me softly
And put me to sleep
On my ground, at your feet
And this is the happiest I feel
When you kiss me almost lovingly
And like a father, like a lover
You offer me to sleep

the demi-gods see us and laugh

Somedays all is expandable
Somedays, nothing is happy
And nothing is sad
All is simply not here
Nor there
It is just a reflection
Of what had been before
Of what is to come
And of what could never be

You are a stranger
Or a lover
Or a foe
You are a cold wet kiss
On the inside of my lip

I cannot perceive the future
And I cannot fathom the past
I cannot breathe and be alive
And yet I cannot begin to try and die

I see these people
These creatures
Walking like smiling, frowning, defaced mortals
On their moral high grounds
Judging and asking and laughing
For what of
I cannot see
They’re words are empty, their tongues
In serpentine knots
Behaving unwisely
Making unbinding promises
They dare not dream
To ever keep

We live inside boxes
We each have our own
One for the old
One for the young
One for the dying
In our boxes
We dream
We build
But we all believe
That our boxes
Are much bigger
Then this
And for this
We cry

Love is a preacher
Love is a religion
It is an illusion
It is a decision
We abide to
I believe it’s a mask
For this hellish life
I believe it is a promise
I must always keep

I am a child
I am an infant
But never have I ever
Felt like a whole

What of a life
That is just an hourglass
We are always waiting, praying, crying
For something better
Yet to attain
What of a life
That is just smoke and mirrors
Goals are lifelines
But when nothing is left
To hope for
What of a life?
What of the dream?
What of nothing?
When we had nothing
To begin with

oh lover, oh fool

Oh lover, oh fool
I’ve lost my gold
I’ve lost my soul
Oh lover, oh fool
I’ve taken too long
Here is my heaven
Here is my life
My sins have mended
My raped heart
And still I yearn
And still I wait
For goodness to come
For His will to be done
My unborn child,
My father’s wife
I’ve killed them both
A long time ago
Here is my skin
My arms, my legs
I see your eyes
Scrutinize them
But not with care, no
But with distasteful disregard
Oh yes, I’ve seen those eyes
Judge and misjudge
So now I bid them goodbye
Oh lover, oh fool
I’ve killed us both
I’ve taken your skull
And crushed it on stone
The demons laugh
The angels cry
But I don’t care
They’ve hated both me and you
From the very start

little girl with her broken shoe

had seen a child
She was blue-eyed and
feather white skin. She was smiles
and cheek. She stood limply in the empty door.
But heaven dispersed and
Sorrow became her eyes
And she gripped the door
Crying for a mother
But the mother had died.
Hell came on earth
and took what created
that little girl
with her torn-up shoes
and ripped skirt
mother and father gone
and she still stood
blue eyed and crying
and i prayed for her
but knew she was dying
Little girl
With her broken shoe
Mother and father wait for you...
She kissed the statue
Full bright pink lips
On cold marble stone
And the bosomy lady
Took no note
But she kissed her lips
A thousand times in my mind
And God! If I had an axe!
I would cut that bitch’s head!

the skin

She told me she’d leave
In that empty car park
She pushed up my sleeves
And screamed
And then she took what I had left
And walked away from me
She took the love
I hadn’t wasted
And screamed aloud
She yelled and anger flew from her eyes
She loved me
And hated me
She held me
And pushed me away
I held her
And she cried
I loved her
I loved her not
She took my scars
And ripped them further apart
While I took her heart
And sold it to feelings
Too young, too premature
Nothing could be said
Nothing undone
She couldn’t stand, she couldn’t sit
She lay with me
But left inches between us
She kissed me
With an empty mouth
Hands wouldn’t touch
We lay in silence
For most of the night
Staring at the ceiling
Not daring to touch
She cried
Until the sun came up
I wiped her tears
But she wished I didn’t
She left
Rotting goodbyes
And decaying kisses
Were stuck on my cheeks
And the day fell apart
On the skin of my arms

after auschwitz

as black as a hook,
overtakes me.
Each day,
each Nazi
took, at 8: 00 A.M., a baby
and sauteed him for breakfast
in his frying pan.

And death looks on with a casual eye
and picks at the dirt under his fingernail.

Man is evil,
I say aloud.
Man is a flower
that should be burnt,
I say aloud.
is a bird full of mud,
I say aloud.

And death looks on with a casual eye
and scratches his anus.

Man with his small pink toes,
with his miraculous fingers
is not a temple
but an outhouse,
I say aloud.
Let man never again raise his teacup.
Let man never again write a book.
Let man never again put on his shoe.
Let man never again raise his eyes,
on a soft July night.
Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.
I say those things aloud.

I beg the Lord not to hear.

-Anne Sexton

death will contain less than this

Perhaps she didn’t care
Or didn’t understand
But she left me standing there
Alone with my mind
And I wept for her face
For my own disgrace
I was alone
All alone
All alone
In this worthless place
I stood
I spoke
I ate
And slept
But all that made me
Was the lusty red fire
That waltzed within me
I was not worthy
I was not sane
I despised the ground
And what was all around
She stitched up my spine
Casually glued the parts
Of my broken insides
She was disinterested in my words
Too vague, too absurd
That hard black cloud is
Sinking down
I see it clouding
Up this ground
I say I will survive
But heaven help me
I see no way out
Tomorrow is blank
Today is blank
What can be more delightful?
Then all this
Blurred out days
With blurred out people
I see no use
In standing on this earth
I comb my insides
For something to go
Something to move me
To please me
But I find nothing
But a slate
So I conclude
I am nothing
After all
Nothing to this place
Nothing to that place
Just a number
Another unavailable space
Perhaps death
Will contain less then this
As Bukowski said