Friday 4 October 2013

the decaying cactus, a reflection of my incompetence...

And there it was. Its little green trunk now a sick jaundice yellow tone, its little red globes all brown and yellow. Its state was a poignant reminder of my incompetence. I stood glaring at it, willing it to turn back to that vibrant, colorful little cactus it had once been. I had over-watered it, that was it, was too much sun. Its a cactus for godsake! It lives in the desert! My excuses sickened me. The verity of the matter was that I had been careless. Negligent. And now it was dead. I had killed it. I was unsure of what to do. I couldn't bare to put the little thing in with the rest of the compiled waste. It didn't deserve to go there, it was too delicate, it had once possessed a great beauty. It wouldn't be right. So I left it, sitting there by the mirror, all sick and brown, hoping that somehow it's health might return and with it my own self-worth.

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